About IBS

The first biotechnology technique and skills training school

The International School of Biotechnology was established with the aim of Promote a culture of skills Development of training in new technologies Skills training and technique training

Achieving technology requires a proper understanding of education, lack of familiarity with the skills and techniques required to implement any technological project, will lead to failure and irreparable damage.

Pasteur Institute of Iran

It is one of the main organizers of the school and its role is to produce scientific content.

Biotechnology Development Headquarters

As a sponsor of the organizer, it plays the role of supporting the promotion of technology education.

Nasim International Research Institute

As a supporter of the school, it supports new educational infrastructure.
Biotechnology graduate
Biotechnology training centers in the world
Growth and development of technology education
Biotechnology startups

Learn more about school

The International School of Biotechnology started its work in the summer of 2019 with the aim of empowering and increasing the skills and technical training of students and graduates in the field of biotechnology. The International School, organized by the Pasteur Institute of Iran and supported by the Biotechnology Development Headquarters of the Vice President for Science and Technology, is held every year in two periods, summer and winter, at introductory and advanced levels. Due to the lack of learning technical techniques in each of the fields of biotechnology, for graduates who want to enter the field of startups and knowledge-based, this school is trying to learn skills and techniques Reduce this vacuum as much as possible.
The importance of the quality of education in the country to some extent, as well as reducing the costs of participants (accommodation - travel) caused the courses of this school, for the first time to be held virtually to all those interested in the field of biotechnology throughout The world can benefit from educational content on a level and quality.